Friday, March 8, 2013

Richard Russell and Carl Vinson

Richard Russell
Richard Russell was a politician from Georgia. He was a Democrat. He was also the governor for Georgia in 1931-1933 before he served in the US Senate for 40 years (until his death). He was a candidate for president in 1948-1952. He supported the New Deal in 1936. He defeated Eugene Talmadge by saying the New Deal was good for Georgia. During WWII he held that Japan shouldn’t be treated with more lenience than Germany. He said also the United States should not encourage Japan to sue for peace. Richard Russell supported Roosevelt’s military preparedness.

Carl Vinson served 25 terms in the U.S House of Representatives. He was in the U.S congress more than anyone in history. He chaired the House Naval Affairs Committee for sixteen years. He had the most powerful voice in U.S congress which got his name as the Admiral. In 1934 Roosevelt signed the Vinson-Trammell Act, which would bring the navy to the strength permitted by the treaties of 1922 and 1930. 20 months before Pearl Harbor happened Vinson steered two bills though congress. Vinson helped expand the military larger. People said, “if it had not had the ships and the know-how to build more ships fast, for which one Vinson bill after another was responsible." He never really went on an airplane or ship and never learned to drive a car.
Carl Vinson

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